Samples of Websites I Have Developed
East Texas Historical Association
Simple, clear, and well-designed web pages can make information more readily available and more frequently used. You can use your own URL or become a part of a broader effort.
Concerned TSHA Members
Use an online store to offer merchandise or publications for sale, or simply deliver free downloads of documents, images, or other files by automated email.
Trammel's Trace
Build an online listing of books that you have in your library. Publish virtually any other type of data about your area. Cemetery listings, photo galleries, interactive maps, historical markers, and links to outside sources can be posted for broader use.
Hendricks Lake
Thorough research is the foundation for historical publications, but without an engaging story the reader is left hoping for more. With my support you can reach new readers by publishing your own books and telling your own stories.
Capable. Creative. Committed.
Making a good impression on the web and in print plays an important role in improving accessibility and increasing reader engagement. Making something simple and clear is not a simple process. I have a unique combination of skills and experience to help organizations improve their outreach.
In support of my two books, I have managed multiple websites and Facebook Groups to engage my readers. In addition to those technical skills, I have a personal knowledge of what local historical organizations value most. I would welcome a discussion about how we can work together to extend your reach. Let’s talk history!