Mission Dolores State Historic Site | Bridles & Biscuits
Mission Nuestra Señora de los Dolores de los Ais was a Spanish mission along the route of the El Camino Real between Natchitoches and Nacogdoches. It was a waypoint along a route where French goods traveled freely into Spanish East Texas and on to Bexar and La Bahia.

Fort Worth Westerners (by Zoom) | Bridles & Biscuits
Each month, the Fort Worth Westerners hosts a Zoom presentation of history and folklore. The link for this Zoom meeting will be open to guests and will be posted here before the meeting. For more information visit, https://fortworthwesterners.com.

Harrison County Historical Museum | Bridles & Biscuits
Noon talks at the Harrison County Historical Museum are where stories about the past come to life. This presentation will focus on a history of the East Texas region before Anglo settlers began to find their way to Texas. For more information, contact the Harrison County Historical Museum at 903.935.8417 or visit their website at https://harrisoncountymuseum.org/.

TRAMMEL'S TRACE - Jefferson Carnegie Library
This presentation, sponsored by the Friends of the Jefferson Carnegie Library, will focus on Trammel’s Trace. Both the history of the road that crossed East Texas and its current remains and likely route will be covered. For more information contact the library at (903) 665-8911.

Caddo / East Texas Archaeological Conference
This combined meeting of the Caddo Conference Organization and the East Texas Archaeological Association is an annual event where people gather to reconnect and share new discoveries and research. The Friday events will be a tribute and memorial for Tom Middlebrook, who passed away earlier this year. I will be presenting a session about Monk’s Cave, a Rusk County site with petroglyphs that I had the opportunity to dig with Tom and others. On Saturday, I’ll be presenting with Matt Solomon and discussing the city’s plan to install a new Trammel’s Trace marker and signage along the route.

TRAMMEL’S TRACE - Burleson Family Association
An October 2024 program on Trammel’s Trace for the Burleson Family Association.

FINDING TRAMMEL’S TRACE: A Guide to Roads, Ruts, Trails, and Swales
For a webinar series sponsored by Preservation Texas, Gary will discuss how he has used documents from the past and present-day technology to locate spaces and places from the past that help create emotional connections to history.

BRIDLES & BISCUITS - East Texas Genealogical Society
For more information contact Rick Featherston, program chair, at 1stvp@etgs.org

BRIDLES & BISCUITS - Sam Rayburn Ladies Auxiliary
Rayburn Ladies meet monthly to listen to programs about regional history and current events. My presentation will be about my upcoming book, BRIDLES & BISCUITS: The Contraband Culture of Spanish East Texas.

The New Kentucky Chapter of the Daughters of the Republic of Texas is an active and energetic chapter based in the Tomball area. This presentation will focus extra attention on the trail’s namesake who grew up along the Tennessee-Kentucky border, Nicholas Trammell.
2023 Fall Conference for the ETHA
The 2023 Fall Conference for the East Texas Historical Association will have many distinguished presenters including academic historians, avocational historians like me, and students from colleges, universities, and secondary schools. I will host a session focused on County Historical Commissions and their importance in preserving the stories and documents of local history. For more information go to https://www.easttexashistorical.org/conference.
To see my list of speaking engagements from 2022 back, click this link.