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My new book, BRIDLES AND BISCUITS: Contraband Culture in Spanish East Texas, is now shipping. I’ll sign your book and also send you a map showing the trails and settlements of that late 18th century period.
Books by Gary L. Pinkerton
THE PAPER DIVER (2024) | AVAILABLE NOW | McFarland & Co | A biography of Harry E. Rieseberg.
TRAMMEL'S TRACE: The First Road to Texas from the North (2016) | AVAILABLE NOW | Texas A&M University Press | The story of an important road for smuggling and migration into Texas before 1821, and the man for whom the road is named.
TRUE BELIEVERS: The Treasure Legend of Hendricks Lake (2017) | AVAILABLE NOW | The story of men who believed a treasure legend strongly enough to dredge, dig, dynamite, and dive in search of it.
BRIDLES & BISCUITS: Contraband Culture in Spanish East Texas | COMING IN EARLY 2025 | Texas A&M University Press | A history of Spanish contraband trade and the roads and trails used to conceal it. Includes insight into Antonio Gil Ibarvo's life and his power over trade.
Services for Non-Profits
Making a good impression on the web and in print plays an important role in improving accessibility and increasing reader engagement. Making something simple and clear is not an effortless process. As an author and independent researcher working on multiple projects of my own and for others, I have developed a set of skills that may benefit organizations and individuals wanting to tell their stories.
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